Sunday 10 October 2010

Focus Group for Sixth Form Magazine

I asked four different people aged between 16-18 years old various questions about themselves and what types of magazines they enjoy reading. These are the people that I am going to use for my focus group and they will give their thoughts and opinions on my flat plan design for the Sixth Form magazine.

Anna Bradford
Age: 16
Sixth Form/College: SHSG
Subjects Studying: Media, Sociology, Business & Economics and Maths
Favourite Subject: Media Studies
Interests: Music, Tennis and Watersports
Favourite aspect of a Magazine: Celebrity gossip and Fashion 
Least favourite aspect of a Magazine: Fake celebrity gossip
Favourite Magazine(s): LOOK and Grazia
Time spent reading magazines: 1 hour per week

Hayley Occleshaw
Age: 16
Sixth Form/College: Palmers College
Subjects Studying: History, Psychology, Sociology and English Language
Favourite Subject: History
Interests: Dancing and Socialising
Favourite aspect of a Magazine: Advice Columns
Least favourite aspect of a Magazine: Serious news
Favourite Magazine(s): Kerrang
Time spent reading magazines: 1 hour per week

Joe Parker
Age: 16
Sixth Form/College: New Hall Sixth Form
Subjects Studying: Art, English Literature, Psychology and Critical Thinking
Favourite Subject: Art
Interests: Playing Guitar, Art, Socialising
Favourite aspect of a Magazine: Interviews and Articles on people of interest
Least favourite aspect of a Magazine: Excessive adverts
Favourite Magazine(s): Total Guitar, NME, Kerrang, Q
Time spent reading magazines: 1 hour per week

Meg Kelly

Age: 16
Sixth Form/College: SHSG
Subjects Studying: Media Studies, Government and Politics, Product Design and Business Studies
Favourite Subject: Product Design
Interests: Music, Fashion, Films
Favourite aspect of a Magazine: Fashion and Music articles
Least favourite aspect of a Magazine: Too many adverts and not enough content
Favourite Magazine(s): Vogue, LOOK and NME
Time spent reading magazines: 1-2 hours per week

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