Monday 27 September 2010

My Own Sixth Form Magazine Pictures

 Prospectus Pictures

Although this picture would be particularly suited to a Sixth Form prospectus, I feel it is not appropriate as the student is not using direct mode of address by looking straight at the camera. This technique always helps capture the reader's attention making them want to read more. However, I believe this picture would be well suited inside the Prospectus instead of the front cover. This is because it shows the facilities of the school, e.g. the camera and surroundings, as well as the student studying.

I particularly like this picture as the student uses direct mode of address capturing the audience's attention. I also positioned him to the right slightly so he is not the centre of the magazine to give a more unusual image. However, I am quite disappointed with the light in this picture as it is evident that the flash reflects off of the windows. This is unfortunate, but perhaps it could be edited to adapt the light settings.

This picture seems ideal for a Prospectus as it would seem as if it would impress parents viewing it. It demonstrates a student in a good learning environment and also the student is reading which proves motivation for learning, consequently, this persuades the parents reading the Prospectus to send their son/daughter there.

Sixth Form Magazine Front Cover Pictures

These pictures present a more relaxed feel which would be suitable for a student magazine,   it shows the students taking part in a hobby, in both of these cases photography, also studious, but has a friendlier, more informal side to the picture as oppose to the previous pictures. Both pictures are potential covers for the student magazine.

I particularly like this picture as it demonstrates the student studying in a relaxed environment and he seems as if he is "having fun" because he has a smile on his face. This makes the reader automatically want to know more encouraging them to read inside
the magazine. Additionally, this picture has a casual and informal approach which is directed at the student age range. Unfortunately, the lighting is very dark. This could be solved by changing the camera settings or switching the flash on. Also, it could be dark because the picture has been taken underneath a tree.

As I particularly liked this picture I decided to edit the image. I cropped the image so that the main focus is the student without the background distracting the viewer's eye away from the main subject. Additionally, I used the tool to make it appear brighter as the original image is quite dark and does not give the image a happier vibe. I am considering using this particular image for my front cover.

Here is another example of a potential Sixth Form magazine cover as it demonstrates to the audience that the student is working in a relaxed environment along with her peers. This grabs the student's attention that could potentially purchase the magazine as it shows the girl enjoying learning. This presents a positive atmosphere and learning environment.

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